Our environment is so important to our life. It helps to give us comfort, inspiration, and care. For most of us our home is our main environment, and definitely the one we have the most control over. It should be a place we look forward to returning to every day. But we don’t always feel that way. Some days we come home and the last feeling our home gives us is relaxation and calm. The answer to cultivating the perfect environment is all about simple solutions that will not only make your living space more organized but also more spacious, lighter and calmer.
Pairing down, putting away and purchasing thoughtfully are some of the ways that I have created calm in my own life. Here are eight ways to bring clarity, calm and order to your environment:
Buy fewer things! Resist impulse or “speed bump display” purchases (the strategically placed items near the checkout counter that you never actually need) and focus on quality.
Donate things you don’t use. This includes unwanted gifts (its ok to not keep these!), clothes you no longer wear, odds and ends that you haven't touched in over 3 months.
Shop your own house. Everyday items such as baskets, trays, and hooks are perfect for storage in every room. Use baskets for blankets and extra cozy things, hang kitchen supplies with hooks to save counter space and place similar items on trays, giving them a “home.”
Steal ideas from experts! Pay attention in stores and hotels for how things are displayed. When visiting friends with living spaces you enjoy, take note! Ask questions! Then recreate your vision.
Phase out plastic. You won’t want to stash away products made out of more sustainable materials such as wood, glass, bamboo or ceramic. They are much more pleasing to the eye (and better for the planet).
Less is more. Bigger is NOT better in terms of storage. Huge closets and pantries make hoarding extras easy and keeping track of belongings more difficult. Take note of exactly what it is you want to store, and plan your storage accordingly.
Establish simple routines. Keep car keys, glasses and remotes in a designated spot. Commit to resetting your kitchen before bed to save time in the mornings.
MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME! Too much order is cold, uninviting and unrealistic. Life is for living and our homes are the playground. Simple items that bring you joy, combined with less clutter is all you need.