The Mind Body Connection

Have you ever wondered why breathing deeply helps you to calm down? Or why meditation works to soothe your physical body into a relaxed state? This connection of your mind and your body is made possible by your Vagus Nerve. 


The Vagus Nerve is your body’s longest cranial nerve, running all the way from the brain stem to part of the colon. The 12 cranial nerves in your body control sensory information (like smells, tastes, or sounds) or control movement. But the Vagus Nerve - it does BOTH!

The role of the vagus nerve in the parasympathetic nervous system is to slow the sympathetic stress response. Some evidence shows that it reduces anxiety! So, if you are feeling anxiety - stimulating your Vagus Nerve is a great way to self soothe. 

Here are some ideas to stimulate the Vagus Nerve: 

  1. Cold Exposure - Like taking cold showers

  2. Singing or chanting

  3. Yoga

  4. Meditation

  5. Laughter

  6. Deep and slow breathing

  7. Massage

  8. Prayer 

  9. Probiotics

  10. Exercise

  11. Sleeping or laying on right side

  12. Tai chi

Practicing one or more of the above activities will help your Vagus Nerve help you to reduce anxiety and have less stressful days.

MindsetCarson Siler