First Name
Last Name
Best Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
May I use your progress photos as a testimonial on social media (can be completely anonymous)?
Current Medications (RX)
Current Supplements
Known Medical Conditions
Have you been seen by your primary care physician within the last 12 months?
Do you have a history of disordered eating or behavior around your weight, food, etc. ?
Current food allergies or intolerances?
Describe a "typical" day of eating with as much detail as possible (number of meals, fast food, specific foods, portion sizes if known, etc.)
Any other questions, concerns or things I need to know?
How many times per week do you dine out / order take out?
What is your average alcohol consumption? (Glasses per day, week, special occasions).
Do you have an apple watch, FitBit, Garmin or activity tracking device?
Describe your activity level on an average day (week day, working, etc.)
If known, what is your current step average?
If you do not currently track your steps, describe an activity or form of exercise you've done recently (playing with kids counts)!
How many days a week are you currently working out?
How many cardio sessions are you doing per week (if any), and for how long (minutes)?
Describe your current workout routine, if applicable:
*Be specific with type of exercise, days per week, length of workouts, intensity, etc.
Example: weight lifting 2 days per week for 45-60 minutes using free weights, 3 sets of 10 OR Yoga classes for 45 minutes 3 x per week and body weight home workouts (not very intense, 3/10)
What are your favorite things to do on the weekends? What else do you enjoy?
Rank your average stress level on a scale of 1-5
1 Low stress
5 High Stress
What are your current hobbies, passions, interests?
What does success look like to you?
Visualize yourself in the future...
Imagine that you have reached your goals and created an incredible transformation that you are proud of. You are strong, confident, empowered, beautiful and the best version of you....
Now, describe your future self.
What do you look like?
How do you feel?
What kind of clothes are you wearing?
What are you doing?
Who are your friends?
What makes you happy?
What does it feel like to be you?
*The more detail you are able to include ANYTIME you are manifesting a goal... the better!
Anything else that I should be aware of or that you think I should know before creating your plan?
Any questions for me? List them below!